My LiftOurHope Thank You Page

#LiftOurHope was launched 7.1.18 because change still hasn't happened after sharing my #metoo story.

I'm hoping by launching a movement with others who want to see my dream come true will help get me a fair shot to actually implement it.

Thank you to every single one of you who have read my story.

I’m updating this page every so often to track my readership…

And please don't forget,

Every time you read or share my story,

- You are helping potentially millions of lives -

- You are saying this matters -

- You are giving me a voice -



Lifting Our Hope

7.8.18 - 39 countries. 14.6k page views.

7.23.18 - 43 countries. 15.7k page views.

7.29.18 - 44 countries. 16.5k page views.

8.6.18 - 45 countries. 16.8k page views.

8.13.18 - 46 countries. 17.2k page views.

8.20.18 - 47 countries. 17.6k page views.

8.26.18 - 49 countries. 17.9k page views.

9.4.18 - 49 countries. 18.7k page views.

9.9.18 - 52 countries. 19.5k page views.

9.17.18 - 55 countries. 21.2k page views.

9.25.18 - 58 countries. 22.4k page views.

10.1.18 - 59 countries. 23.3k page views. (Rwanda joined)

10.9.18 - 60 countries. 23.7k page views (Venezuela joined)

11.21.18 - 62 countries. 25.2k page views (Czechia and Colombia joined)

12.16.18 - 64 countries. 25.8k page views (Papua New Guinea and Belize joined)

3.2.19 - 65 countries. 27.2k page views. (Serbia joined)

4.19.19 - 66 countries. 28.3k page views. (Mauritius joined)

5.17.19 - 69 countries. 28.8k page views. (Tajikistan, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar (Burma) joined)

5.25.19 - 72 countries. 29.1k page views. (Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, and Poland joined)

5.30.19 - 73 countries. 29.3k page views. (Jamaica joined)

6.2.19 - 74 countries. 29.3k page views. (Iran joined)

6.15.19 - 77 countries. 29.6k page views. (Switzerland, Bahrain, Finland joined)

7.7.19 - 78 countries. 30.3k page views. (Bangladesh joined)

7.26.19 - 79 countries. 30.9k page views. (Bulgaria joined)

8.17.19 - 80 countries. 31.2k page views. (Ghana joined)

10.5.19 - 81 countries. 31.8k page views. (Israel joined)

10.27.19 - 83 countries. 31.9k page views. (Nepal and Kenya joined)

11.21.19 - 84 countries. 33.3k page views (Estonia joined) - and friends started to share on LinkedIn!

2.9.20 - 87 countries. 35.1k page views (Luxembourg, Azerbaijan, and Puerto Rico joined) - and I won a chance to speak in March at “Raise Her Voice - Untold Stories of Women in the Workplace”

2.22.20 - 88 countries. 35.6k page views. (Austria joined)

3.8.20 - 90 countries. 36.5k page views. (Oman and Vietnam joined) Happy International Women’s Day!!

3.9.20 - 94 countries. 36.9k page views. (Senegal, Qatar, Taiwan, and Hungary joined)

4.29.20 - 98 countries. 38.9k page views. (Republic of Korea, Panama, Croatia, and Slovenia joined)

5.17.20 - 99 countries. 40.6k page views. (Uganda joined)

5.22.20 - 102 countries. 41.2k page views. (Lesotho, Fiji, and Guatemala joined)

6.4.20 - 105 countries. 42.4k page views (Malta, US Virgin Islands, Bermuda joined)

8.14.20 - 106 countries. 43.8k page views. (Macedonia joined)

3.21.21 - 107 countries. 47k page views. (Maldives joined)

4.6.21 - 108 countries. 47k page views. (Ethiopia joined)

10.4.21 - 109 countries. 50k page views. (Bhutan joined)

11.23.21 - 110 countries. 51k page views. (Monaco joined)

3.10.22 - 111 countries. 52k page views. (Seychelles joined)

4.26.22 - 112 countries. 54k page views. (Togo joined)

5.2.22 - 113 countries. 55k page views. (Republic of Lithuania joined)

5.15.22 - 114 countries. 56k page views. (Georgia joined)

6.18.22 - 115 countries. 57k page views. (Belarus joined)

8.11.22 - 116 countries. 60k page views (Bosnia & Herzegovina joined)

8.17.22 - 117 countries. 61k page views (Algeria joined)

9.12.22 - 118 countries. 62k page views (Guernsey joined)


- 118 Countries -

United States. United Kingdom. Canada. Costa Rica. France. Australia. Hong Kong. Spain. Italy. India. United Arab Emirates. Peru. Brazil. Slovak Republic. Sweden. Ireland. Netherlands. New Zealand. Germany. Trinidad and Tobago. Mexico. Bahamas. Philippines. South Africa. Greece. Turkey. Cyprus. Honduras. French Polynesia. Tanzania. Anguilla. Portugal. Chile. Norway. Dominican Republic. Pakistan. Argentina. Belgium. Guyana. Saudi Arabia. Indonesia. Kuwait. Kyrgyzstan. Ecuador. Nigeria. Thailand. Romania. Zambia. Lebanon. Morocco. Russia. Singapore. Japan. Denmark. Egypt. China. Malaysia. Latvia. Rwanda. Venezuela. Czechia. Colombia. Papua New Guinea. Belize. Serbia. Mauritius. Tajikistan. Sri Lanka. Myanmar (Burma). Saudi Arabia. Ukraine. Poland. Jamaica. Iran. Switzerland. Bahrain. Finland. Bangladesh. Bulgaria. Ghana. Israel. Nepal. Kenya. Estonia. Luxembourg. Azerbaijan. Puerto Rico. Austria. Oman. Vietnam. Senegal. Qatar. Taiwan. Hungary. Republic of Korea. Slovenia. Panama. Croatia. Uganda. Lesotho. Fiji. Guatemala. Malta. US Virgin Islands. Bermuda. Macedonia. Maldives. Ethiopia. Bhutan. Monaco. Seychelles. Togo. Republic of Lithuania. Georgia. Belarus. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Algeria. Guernsey. Unknown.

- Thank you WORLD -



If you're looking for my full #metoo story, you can find it here.


Jessie Fream